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Resolving the Projection Installation

I used the photography studio to set up a new version of my projection installation.

I hired out 3 projectors and cyclones, used four of my animations, four building cardboard cutouts and one background film.

It was successful in that I was able to create the cardboard city and project the animations back on top. However, I did find it difficult setting the projectors up so that they angled onto the cardboard cutouts but also not in the beam of the background film. This was a lot more difficult from the first installation experiment. The cardboard cutouts were also difficult to set up as slight bits of the animation kept missing the cardboard and shining onto the background.

The animations on top of the cardboard cutouts overall looked better than the first time. The white card made it look slicker and let colour resonate from the film.

The shadows are an added depth that I want to play around with more. You can see that it is like a skyline, which I prefer from the first experiment. But, I think the first experiments shadow was more defined, so if I do this again I want to achieve this.

The film in the background needs refining as the footage from the train journey looks a lot more professional than the walking footage. However, the walking footage shows the journey and track and trace more successfully. So I need to find a balance.


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